Building Type:

Private Buildings

Total Solar Area:

382.56 sqm (Rooftop: 252 sqm + West Facade: 31.37 sqm + Carport: 51.03 sqm (Dim: 6.3m x 8.1m) + Winter Garden Roof: 48.16 sqm)

Total Number of panels:

260 pcs (Rooftop: 156 pcs, West Facade: ~40 pcs Winter Garden: 16 pcs, Carport: 48)

Panel Technology:

Rooftop: Monocrystalline PV Modules with coloured glass
Façade: Monocrystalline PV Modules with coloured glass
Winter Garden: Semi-Transparent Panels (Monocrystalline, high efficiency, 49% transparency)
Carport: CIGS Thin-film modules coloured panels

Total Installed Power:

62.67 kWp (Rooftop: 43.79 kWp, West Façade: 6 kWp, Winter Garden Roof: 5.68 kWp + Carport: 7.2 kWp)

Soular© Northern European Villa

Today, it is critically important to take individual steps for sustainability. We believe that designing architectural projects using renewable energy resources to support sustainability is a necessity for our future.

In the light of this purpose, with the BIPV project we designed for a private villa in a Northern Europe location, we ensure that the residence benefits from solar energy throughout the year and obtains its own energy in a clean way.

This Soular© Northern European Villa model was developed for the optimal use of solar energy with a southern orientation in regions like Northern Europe and America and Mediterranean Regions as well.

Dark-red-colored solar modules were integrated on the Soular© Northern European Villa’s roof. Anthracite-colored solar modules were integrated into the west façade and a balcony on the east side was equipped with semi-transparent solar modules. The solar carport is covered with 32 colored solar modules.