e-Logistic Center East-West Direction
e-Logistic Center East-West Direction is a kind of factory or warehouse model which was designed by us in such a way that a huge part of the energy demand can be covered with an integrated solar system.
Where e-trucks and e-transporters are loaded or unloaded with goods, charging stations were integrated and roofed over so that solar power is also produced on the “terrace roof” / canopy. Thus, a total roof area of 1,800 sqm can be covered with solar modules. In addition, there are solar carports for the employees’ vehicles.
Many people believe that a solar system should always be designed with a southern orientation. However, high energy yields are also possible with an east-west orientation with a low roof pitch, as the roof receives several hours more radiation per day than with a pure south orientation of a photovoltaic system.
On the upper part of the south façade of the e-Logistic Center East-West Direction is colored panels integrated.